Exclusive Interview: Exploring Investment Opportunities in Indonesia with Ambassador Mr. Swajaya

Anna Stukkert with Mr. Sawaya

Anna Stukkert, President of the International Investment Congress and CEO of Stukkert&Co, is renowned for her insightful discussions with prominent figures in global business and politics. In her latest interview, she sits down with Mr. Swajaya, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of The Republic of Indonesia to The Swiss Confederation and The Principality of Liechtenstein.

Anna Stukkert: Mr. Swajaya, thank you for joining us today. Your insights are invaluable to our audience and the International Investment Congress Awards.

Anna Stukkert: Could you share your recommendations for investments in Indonesia? Which industries or sectors do you believe offer the most promising opportunities?


Mr. Swajaya: Thank you for having me. The tourism support sector, particularly property related to tourism, holds immense potential. This includes hotels and associated businesses like restaurants, especially in popular destinations such as Bali. Additionally, we are actively promoting investments in digital technologies, aiming to create a conducive environment for innovation and technological advancement.

Anna Stukkert: It’s fascinating to hear about the diverse investment opportunities in Indonesia. How do you view the market’s potential for both large and small investors?

Mr. Swajaya: Indonesia presents opportunities for investors of all scales. While larger investors may focus on major projects, smaller and medium-sized investors can also thrive in sectors like digital technology, healthcare, and property. The market size and the government’s commitment to fostering a favorable investment climate make Indonesia an attractive destination for a wide range of investors.

Anna Stukkert: That’s encouraging to hear. Could you elaborate on the leasing model for property investments in Indonesia and the associated guarantees for investors?

Mr. Swajaya: The property market in Indonesia operates under various models, including leasing arrangements. For instance, investors can acquire apartments under certain conditions, providing flexibility while still ensuring access to financing. Land use regulations vary depending on the location, with options for long-term leases and collaboration with local companies to secure land rights. The government is also incentivizing property development through special status designations, offering extended land use rights to encourage investment.

Anna Stukkert: Thank you for clarifying the intricacies of property investment in Indonesia. Before we conclude, are there any specific areas or regions you recommend exploring for investment opportunities?

Mr. Swajaya: Batam and Bintan are emerging as attractive investment destinations, with favorable conditions for property development and strategic geographic proximity to Singapore. These regions offer a range of opportunities, from tourism to manufacturing, making them worth considering for prospective investors.

Anna Stukkert: I appreciate your insights, Mr. Swajaya. Your guidance will undoubtedly be valuable to our audience and investors looking to explore opportunities in Indonesia. Thank you for sharing your expertise with us today.

Mr. Swajaya: It has been my pleasure. Please feel free to reach out for further assistance or information. We are here to support your investment endeavors in Indonesia.

Anna Stukkert: Thank you, Mr. Swajaya. Your hospitality and insights are greatly appreciated. We look forward to future collaborations and opportunities to explore Indonesia’s vibrant investment landscape.

Mr. Swajaya: The pleasure is mine. Until next time.

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